Thursday, August 9, 2012

Final Poster

Final poster, 36" x 24", trimmed and mounted on white foam core board. 

Sketches for the poster. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Feedback from Emmy B.

Received feedback from early childhood specialist on finished animation:

"Felt like the story and rhyme went well. Its (the song) is always stuck in my head so that bodes well for it. The changes made were very positive." 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

E-mail sent for feedback.

Hi all, 

I finished the clay animation complete with song, lyrics and edit! Feel free to give me and feedback, comments, or questions!

You can view it here! Thanks!

~Rebekah Lan

Feedback received: 

I feel like it is a little rushed and it makes it hard to understand the message. 
- Michelle G. 


So awesome! And what great sound effects! That apple crunch is amazing! And I love the kids in the background (Yay!)
Well done!! 
- Cathy B. 

Music and soundtrack and sound effects are very good. Clay animation is good.

The type accompanying the music is a good idea, but the type is too hard to read. A little letter-spacing and get rid of the outline.

The character is a little hard to understand. What is he/she/it? Arms/hands are weird. Soda and apple not clear. Bin icons should be a little clearer too. Last shot is a little anti-climactic. Maybe a better close up of the character with a clear smile? Or the character making a thumbs up - if there are thumbs :)

Overall nice work. Make the refinements and make it clearer and it will be great. 
- Professor Singer

Dear Ms. Lan,

I think the clay animation is a terrific idea and will certainly be a fun, engaging, and entertaining way to convey the message of a zero waste initiative to a wide audience. And the fact that all of the materials used were recycled makes the theme that much more striking and reinforced. Maybe it could be a great platform to start the conversation of "if that was all done with recycled materials, what else that I take for granted could be recycled and reused?"

Do you think you will do any other integrated activities along with the stop motion animation or have the animation on its own? Maybe it can be used as a proposal for a larger initiative within San Francisco? What are your goals and what is the target audience with the animation? These are all things to consider as you are working on your project. So far, it looks fantastic and I can't wait to hear more as the project progresses. Best of luck and please keep in touch
-Meghan H.
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Final Book Cover and Layout Design

Picture of Yerba Buena Gardens. No sign of litter, water fountains designed for reusable water bottles, and a food court nearby (Metreon) that has three bins. 

Book layout heading will alternate between blue and green, the colors of zero waste. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

About the Poster

Professor went over what the poster for this research should look like. It is basically a summary/outline of your research process that can, for example, be split up in sections or as a form of a timeline.

For the most part, he would like something like "The Cooking Experience", "A Benchmark For The Aging Community".

Looking at the problem, solutions, unique presentations. Three phases, break it down.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Individual consultation

Individual consultation with Professor Gomes. Notes transcribed:

  • Two key components:
  1. Comparative, acknowledge whats out there. Is it suitable for audience? 
  2. Inspiration.
  • Cite research/comparatives.
  • Identify depth of research. 
  • Stage and substantiate what you're doing.
  • Momentum, expectation, step by step
  • PSA, promotional shown at orientations.
  • Scope of limitations: obervations
  • Show a vector image/finished product.